Wednesday, June 25, 2008


when somebody figures out how to properly start these things let me know. i swear i spend 10 minutes tryin to figure out how to write a blog. i mean i know what i want to say, but it's difficult sometimes making your words lay down properly..

anyways, my phone was cut off finally. no more at&t. not that i didn't like them, cuz i love being able to switch phones whenever i felt. its just that at my job we have a choice of having an employee plan either under at&t or sprint. at&t is $25 a month, includes 2000 anytime minutes, unlimited texting. so you'd have to add on extras like mobile-to-mobile, nights and weekends, internet, etc. that's still a pretty good deal though right? only thing is that i use internet and texting more than anything, i don't talk on the phone much so 2000 minutes is unlimited to me, but i'd have to pay like 30 bucks more for unlimited internet. so i'd be looking at $55 dollars a month. still not bad right? but let me tell you why i chose sprint: 3000 anytime minutes, nights and weekends at 7pm, mobile-to-mobile, unlimited texting, unlimited internet, and the feature of actually having service in my house, for $20 a month. a lot of people actually complain about sprint, but its not even a big deal until you have to talk to them, and i can get around that. i can switch my phone anytime too, except i have to chit-chat with sprint reps who like to ask questions, but whatever.

i almost want to hop off this tree i've been climbing and say fuck the apple.

i'm a pretty quiet person and i spend most of my time in thought, and i was wondering if any of you similarly quiet people have the same trait as me. do you have a conversation for almost everyone you know? i know it's not uncommon to play out situations in your head, but i think there's a limit to the uncommonality of that habit. from time to time when something is bothering me, or something someone did is bothering me, i always think about exactly what i'd want to say or how to react. only thing is i never act on it because i can never care enough to let it keep bothering me. i just think it's funny i've had enough time on my hands to think up whole conversations with virtually everyone i know.

peach sorbet is the shit.

why hasn't anyone forced me to listen to no doubt in all my years of living?? i decided monday to get their entire discography via azureus, and i love it. their music is so chill, and relaxing. this is really elevating my mood. you know in the matrix reloaded when neo brings that girl back to life by massaging her heart? that's what this music is doing to my mood rite now... and i realize how retarded that sounds but i just saw the movie again at work so i had to throw that in somewhere. i really just wanted to set the table so i could say this: you the french guy who had the keymaker prisoner? his wife was fucking sexy.

today this old man gave me a gold dollar and said if i keep it in my pocket i'll never be broke. i think i'll humor him.

speaking of movies, you remember the crackhead from don't be a menace to south central while drinkin yo juice in the hood? i swear some guy came into my job looking exactly like him, maybe a little fatter, asking if we had direct tv remotes. then he asked for change for the bus. does that add up to you? how you gon' have direct tv and you can't even secure your ride to the next destination? got his priorities mixed up. i need to stop being such an ass.

you ever take a class or something and accurately predict who you're gonna befriend? it's really crazy how that works.

another thing i was thinking about: you ever have an elder tell you to buy your house before you get married so in case you divorce it'll still be yours? or anything along that matter as far as getting yourself settled before you get married? seems like a wise idea, yes. but i started thinking and i came to the conclusion that we are really messed up. i say that because i know there was a time when marraige was sacred. if not that i know there was a time when couples care enough to try. i'm not saying this applies to everyone but i'm sure you all know of at least a handful of people that can wear these shoes. what happened to making it work? what happened to trying? i know there are some cases that are understandable, like i would've divorced my dad too, but others seem like a waste of time to make things work cuz divorce is the easy way out. i only hope i don't grow into that person, you know?


Anonymous said...

Did you ever picture a conversation with me? Its funny how I always thought you were cool and even slept in the same bed with you (haha right?) but I never conversated with you. I just never knew how to make friends, still don't.

K. Denise said...

ha! you finally had to break down and get I've been telling you to do for years now..