Sunday, December 14, 2008


so i just got through telling my cousin how i refrained from using the word "grazi" because a small part of denied its existence. and now, of course, i feel a little stupid, un poquito. i feel like those people who will say random stuff, like "i don't believe in sugar." and i've heard someone say "i don't believe in guys." i mean what else can you say but "well i'm sorry, but they exist," while pointing at the thing in question?

so, suddenly i'm feeling a small drive to get my art out into the world. whether it be my writing, my cartoons, my clothes, whatever. i feel like producing more, making connections. maybe i'm growing up a little bit. i wonder how long this will last...

my birthday is next month, no longer will i be a teenager. i feel like 20 is going to be a year living in a desolate void. it's the only year that you're still limited but you can't be referred to as a teenager. it's like, 21 is the first year where you have no restrictions due to age, unless you want to run for political office, and how many people are gonna do that? being a teenager is like, ok, you're almost there, but at least you have a category for the time being. what the hell is 20??? we should start a petition to lower drinking and gambling ages to 20! not that i expect you guys to care because the majority of you are already of age :/

i love how i'm completely oblivious to my school schedule. i'm pretty sure this is my last week before break, but i really have no clue.


Anonymous said...

lol yeah sorry buddy. Im like your older sister.

A.M. said...

Thanks for stopping by the blog :)

LOL @ not knowing your school schedule. Last week was my last day of class and I went to class like, "really? wow. YAY!!!" lol.

I soooooo know that feeling. When I was 20 I was just like ugh, this shit is whack. I had those same notions you have about the age. But strange enough, IT FLEW BY!!! I think that was the fastest yr of my life. So no worries, you'll be fine :)

[Alex]. said...

lmao i still find that funny...idk why but you seemed like the type that'd know a little bit of every language...

oh and thanks for giving me a birthday to look forward just pre-dulled the next two years of my life...douche.