Wednesday, July 16, 2008


i find it wierd i can never feel one specific way. i can never be just happy or just down. maybe that's with everybody; i doubt it, but who knows? i feel like coldplay's new cd, if that makes sense. by the way, that cd is the shit. and i guess if you use deductive reasoning, (i feel like coldplay's new cd, and that cd is the shit) then i guess i am the shit. i like how that works out, i'm happy. :)

im playing pokemon pearl, and i'm almost at the end. i just find it annoying that every gotdamn pokemon in the elite 4 has earthquake.

don't you hate when an extremely cute girl (or if you are a girl, vice-versa) comes into your job and for whatever reason you can't do anything about it? that happened to me today, just like it did last week. but i guess i shouldn't stress because judging by past experiences they're almost 30 and have children. now i am into older girls, but definately not that old, i'm only talking a couple years older. but it seems like all the ones that look a little bit older than my age are actually a lot older than my age; the ones that look my age are actually underaged. this some bullshit.

so i have a younger twin. i won't go into detail today but he prooved the relativity to me again, it's kinda crazy.

and once again i'll be late for school, but it's ok because i'm black and we're used to it.

i'm kidding, i normally try to stay on time, just not to this class.


so i forgot to write about what made me want to write in the first place. i've already been the type of person to not care about much, which is an understatement, because there's a lot that i don't care about. and at times there's no good reason for it, but i can normally defend by saying there's no good reason to care. what i've noticed lately though, is that i'm starting to care even more. in terms of relationships/friendships i've found myself slipping away from 3 specific people, and the sad part is that i'm not really bothered by it. i think i should care a little, i mean they haven't even done anything to negatively affect our relationship but i just feel like letting go..

and i am so mad i haven't listened to nas in a minute. I listened to stilmatic on the way home from school and it was like the best thing in the world. i'm slippin.


K. Denise said... should get me Nas' cd and Coldplay because I want both of em and because you love me lol..

Oh..and here its the young girls look old as hell lol...

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... I know exactly what you mean! I saw this really cute guy come in for a santa fe sandwhich and he was soooo pretty. But there's nothing attractive about me in a chef coat and hat so his eyes were all over the cahier who gets to look nice at work. Boo =(