Saturday, November 1, 2008


halfway through the weekend but i'm pretty satisfied. let's say my weekend started early. no school on thursday, and normally there's nothin much to do when you don't have school. but my sister had informed me of this common concert going on at usc, sooooo guess where i was.

that whole day took forever. i had work, 4 hours seemed like 12. i went to best buy, since they're too busy to answer the phone, to check if they had the phone i've been waiting for ever-so-patiently. of course they didn't, so that was a little dissappointing. i ended up buying final fantasy tactics a2 for ds, i can't play pokemon forever. i mean i can but after a while there's not much left to do, i already have all the eevees. i got home and sprint called me saying the phone i want just came out so they let me order it. soooo i shall have the sickest phone ever within the next few days. so around 6.30 i left the house to pick up my sister for the show and head out to usc. we meet up with naomi and her friend, and i convinced chola to come despite her beliefs that she wouldn't make it on time. common's performance was great. it was only the second concert i've been too, but i loved it. i didn't recognize the song he opened with, but he followed it up with 'go' and got the crowd going crazy. i was suprised he did 'come close to me', that's my favorite song that he's made next to 'the corner', which he did later. he also did a couple songs off his upcoming album: 'the eye' [edit:'punch drunk love'] [if anybody actually has this song please tell me where i can get it. i need it, or at least the beat, i reaaaally wanna write to it], and 'universal mind control' [he had pretty much his whole band pop locking during the song]. did anybody know this guy could break though? i didn't know, but i got it on camera, i'll up the clip sometime. after about a hour and a half of performing, he closed it out with a couple freestyles, and now i'm jealous because i want to know how to freestyle.

halloween was pretty wack. nobody was really trick-or-treating. but me, my bro, and my other sister got a room in gardena to chill for the night. i find it weird when i got there and out of my car, i heard 'freak-a-leak' coming from a church across the street, followed by kirk franklin. i know right? so we went to get supplies from albertsons, and we had to take my sisters kids with us. i asked my bestest this question, and now i ask you: what would you think if you saw two young adults, they look no older than 20 really, with a infant and and 5-year-old holding the guy's hand, standing in the alcohol section picking out drinks? cuz that's what just happened. and we're the only ones that know we're not that kinda family, and that i have no kids, so i felt akward as hell. so after we get back, we get into 'intelligent' conversations about things. we started talking about prop 8, my siblings both support it, but because of a religious stand-point. i should be supporting it because of my religion also, but my mind decided to factor in everything else as well. the way i see it is that i want everyone to have a chance to be happy; maybe it works out, most likely not, but that's common for any marraige. it just sucks that for me wanting people to be happy i have to go against my religion by actually saying that. as far as teaching about gay marraige in schools, my siblings said that they would teaching kids this stuff at their most malleable point in life. this is definately true, but i think the reason we cringe at the idea is because we think of it as 1) worst case scenario: teachers focusing on gay marraige more than traditional marraige and 2) it's not traditional, it's not what we're used to, it's not what we were taught, and it's true to say that we do not adapt well with change. do you really think teachers are going to go out of their way to try to influence your kids to marry their own sex. they're not going to make it a mission to turn these kids out. i'm thinking that they'll tell them it's an option and leave it at that, just because it's a law. and i think if people fear a law like that, they need to re-evaluate their own parental skills. as the strongest role models in their own kids lives, i would think they have the most influence towards their child's preferences. in the end, i'm not going to vote either way. it's basically coming down to this: follow the religion they taught me, or keep my belief that one should find love where they find it.

ok, i don't want to talk about politics anymore. like really. so you know how everyone has their drunk habits? i think mine is waking up really early in full energy. there's those times where everyone is syncronized an we all just wake up at the same time and start talking. then there's those times where only i wake up, and everyone else is still knocked. when that happens i tend to flee from battle and go driving, which was no different this morning. i think i was woken up like 10 times within 30 minutes by my bro's phone. the whole time i'm thinking 'got damn somebody really wants to talk to him, they needa calm down it is 7am'. i did realize how annoying the at&t ringtone is after hearing it in heavy rotation. now i sit hear with absolutely nothing to do, my ds is charging, i'm done blogging. no work today, i wanna go see this vampire movie, but i don't know who to go with or what time i should go. it's only playing in west hollywood and pasadena and i don't particularly feel like driving all the way out there just for the movie cuz i have no problem going alone. maybe i'll muster up the will power to green-blue-red-gold line it there.

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