Saturday, November 22, 2008


It's literally special ed how sleepy i am! Last night was the longest night ever. Actually yesterday was the longest day ever, period. I woke up, went to work, put nothing but cookies, coffee, and water in my body til about 5pm. I actually had a good sales day yesterday, it was spooky good. Im gettin some starbucks cards!

So i was sposed to be off at 3, but i stayed 45 minutes later cuz my co-worker was having car issues. Wasn't bothered tho, got me another gift card chicka chicka yeaa! So i get home and play rock band for a lil, then my boss calls me and asks me to sub for my co-worker so she can take care of her car. So i go. I was kinda not happy cuz i was planning to meet up with the crew at 7 so we could hit this club, but nothin was goin down there so i got over it.

After work im trying to figure out how to pass the time before we meet up to just hit hollywood. I ended up hitting the park with all the asian people and worked on my "dirty rap." after i got the call, we met up and pushed out to hollywood, club element. We paid the little 15 for parking and got in line. We kinda stood there for an hour before we got to the front only to find out it was 21 and over... Fuck me, rite? We didnt think anything of it cuz we've been there before and it was no problem, but we literally wasted a hour of our lives. Like, i still want that hour back. What's even more messed up is that when we were standing off to side all entry-denied, the lady came out of her to walk up to us to say "you guys aren't 21." ok... i know that... asshole. We tried to see what's up with this other one called level 3, but the guy that worked there couldn't even answer us when we asked how it was. You know there's a problem when the people that work at a club don't hype it up to take our money. So then it was off to ihop.

It's about 2am at the carson ihop where we always go to eat after anything. we're just like, didn't spend our money at the club, so might as well spend it here, rite? i have no idea how much time we spent there but we were hella drained and were planning on going home and knocking out. so here we are at the register about to pay for our food, and the lady tells us these girls left a number for us with her to give us after they left the parking lot... wtf? so it's like oook... but we called when we got to the car. fuck it. next stop: csulb??

so they were bored, and we were tired, but bored. so we go out to csulb to chill for a bit. on a sidenote, i got my car filled up on 20 bucks, hell yes. so after like 10 minutes of blind driving, we get to the campus. i give em a call to see where we're sposed to park, and we're getting directed around eagle-eye status, i mean cuz i don't know where they saw us from. we ended up chillin there for about an hour... like 4.. to like 5 almost 6. so on the way back to the car, there's this guy sitting at a stop sign, smoke coming from the car. it really looks like he hit an invisible wall, front hood warped up. and his car was crying. everytime he tried to start it thats what it sounded like. so we go to see if he's ok, and he says he was in a hit and run with some drunk drivers. we help him push the car into the parking lot and we're asking him questions about what happened. i think that motherfucker was drunk, and he ran into something. how else is your front hood gonna be dented? if you get hit by somebody the way he was describing [they just came around the corner], you would get hit on the side. if it was a head on collision, i'm pretty positivo that the other car would be crying like a little bitch too.

sooo yeah, long night :/

i'm tired.

and you can definately tell where i switched from phone to computer with the sudden absence of capitalization.

1 comment:

K. Denise said...

So...remember when I used to ask you if anything happened and how was your day all the time?

you never haf stories like you do now...regularly lol.

im starting to think you were just too lazy to tell them lol.