Wednesday, October 8, 2008


so i lied. im going to blog today instead of tomorrow, or maybe ill do both. my reason for writing today was put on by this dream i had last nite. i have wierd dreams simply put. but this was fucked up. not bad fucked up but like i took pcp and went to sleep fucked up. i probably forgot half of it though but here's what i remember:

i'm at some random social event which was located at 32nd usc magnet, my old middle school. but it wasn't the school; instead of the concrete and rails and building, there were white fences and grassy hills. gay right? i was more focused on the shrine auditorium down the street so thats how i know where i was. so there were a lot of black people there conversing about this and that. meanwhile, im running and jumping around like a little kid, i felt short too so im guessing i literally was a little kid. so after my immature free running session i end up outside of the gay school area and im running down the street. i finally come up to this hansel and gretel-esque house that has, instead of candy, has a lot of different fruits growing in the front yard. there's like bananas, apples, grapes, watermelons, mangos, etc. i continue walking and i see this bright, full-colored watermelon, and i could tell it was going to be the best watermelon ever grown. so for some reason, i have to have it. so i snatch it off its vine and start running like crazy back to my car around the corner from the shrine. now that i think about it i feel like a squirrel instead of that little kid from before that little heist. you know squirrels hoard their food in the jaws? i did that with a freaking watermelon, except i started to eat it too. the rind was really thin though, but it was the best watermelon ever grown. now as it sinks in, im thinking about it, and why the hell did it have to be a watermelon? of all the fruits growing at that house i had to pick up that one. i really like mangos more. i like bananas more, as long as they're green still. maybe my subconcious pcp-influenced mind wanted to remind me that im still black. anyway, my second dream wasn't as weird but i didn't like it because it ended with me getting cockblocked twice :/

question: ever wonder what your body or the environment around it is doing during your sleep and how it influences your dreams? after last night i'm really curious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel ya on the dream thing. I think it was fate (or whatevr)reminding me of Milton birthday. MAybe something similar with you????