Sunday, March 8, 2009


2 weeks? 3 weeks? fuuck.

hmmm whats new...

started kaiser after a week of orientation [which means getting paid to sleep and look at pretty girls.], cant complain. not at all. my job is pretty simple, an hour of putting snacks together. lunch [which is paid for by my $7.50 a day meal card], deliver trays to patients, clean; it's worth the pay.

i missed a week of my school internship [because of kaiser]. after finally returning, some random asian [id be more specific but i dont want to be wrong] lady expressed disappointment that i havent been there for two weeks. now i probably talked to this lady for less than a minute within the first 30 minutes i got there on the first day, but i guess i can feel good that i was missed. i was even more happy i got to work with the same beautiful woman from the previous post [whom i found out was only a mere 4 years older, fuck yeah!]. that, and i landed an extra day in the week to go, i mean i do actually learn stuff there.

my manager at radioshack in on vacation, so everybody is picking up more slack. i've pretty much inherited his hours for the time being, and also his attitude i think. it's been growing more obvious that the people i help are really helpless. let's see, random customer quotes:

"this outdoor antenna, it is the kind that goes outdoors, or is that just the name of it?"

"and the mouse pad, do i have to do anything with it?" [after advising her to charge her bluetooth when she got home.]

"you have convertible boxes?" [as in, converter boxes.]

chocolate? party this friday. i used to always say id never throw parties cuz id be too embarrassed if not a lot of people show up. most of the parties that ive been to that were thrown have seriously lacked attendees, but everybody loves chocolate?.

i can't wait for my dvd :D

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